Connecting with the Ombuds
Connecting with the University Ombuds is easy. Just reach out via any of the following to schedule an appointment via phone or in person:
By Phone · 540-231-3125
If you receive the voicemail, please leave a name and a phone number where we can discreetly call you at. Because we want to respect the sensitivity of your situation. please don’t provide in the voice message any information which is confidential, sensitive or privileged.
By Email ·
Please provide your name and availability in the email. Similar to a voice message, email is not a confidential method of communication and so please be mindful in not providing information which is confidential, sensitive or privileged.
In Person · Burruss Hall, 123D
Please note: It is best if you don’t drop by the office as the Ombuds may be with, or at, an appointment.
University Ombuds Office Address:
University Ombuds (0566)
800 Drillfield Drive
Burruss Hall, 123D
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Hours and Availability
The University Ombuds Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm. We recognize that many in our Hokie Nation community might not work traditional work hours and/or be unavailable during these hours. Accordingly, you can ask to meet with the Ombuds outside these times and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Serena Young at 540-231-3125 or during regular business hours at least 10 business days prior to the event.
Ombuds Service Survey
We want your feedback to ensure we are serving the Hokie Nation as best as we can. Please fill out the annomous survey below or print and mail the PDF version to our temporary office location.
Formal Resources:
Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance
VT Police
Office for Civil Rights Compliance and Prevention Education
Faculty Grievance Procedure
Staff Grievance Procedure
Employee Relations
Dean of Students
Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity
Other Resources:
Office of the Ombudsperson -Graduate School
Hokie Wellness
Cook Counseling Center
Women’s Center
Services for Students with Disabilities
Student Legal Services
Environmental Health and Safety
Veteran Services