The Gift of Desperation

In any academic institution, whether you are a student or an employee, you’ll eventually encounter “negative feelings.” This happens because something doesn’t go as expected. These include feelings like frustration, disappointment and even despair. If we know how to interpret these feelings and decipher the hidden messages behind them then we can ultimately take control of these feelings and even be able to influence change in the situations that make those feelings come up.

As we wrap up this year we are going to explore in this free workshop the “Gift of Desperation.” Studies in behavioral science have demonstrated that humans are generally motivated more by the fear of avoiding losses than acquiring gains. In other words, we’ll often do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. Join the University Ombuds Office as we explore the power of “negative feelings” and how we can use these feelings as leverage that will propel us to a different experience.

If you want a preview of some of the ideas we’ll be focusing on in the session read the University Ombuds Office’s latest blog post here:

Register and Join Us!

  • When: Wednesday December 16, 2020
  • Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00pm
  • Where: Register by emailing
  • Cost: Always free.